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Who knew!? Mangos and GHG Reduction.

There is a lack of attention given to existing innovative companies for which their core product/service and value proposition addresses human survivability topics such as food waste but also have solid, identifiable GHG reduction impact in their span of activity.

Views on Agriculture 2024 and Beyond

Global food production is in a race to keep pace with the world’s expanding population. Farmers need to grow more from less while safeguarding their soil and the environment. To meet the challenge, agriculture is undergoing a fourth revolution

Companies Must Work Together to Rebuild Trust in the Carbon Markets

The planet loses more than 24 million acres of forest annually, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. It’s akin to losing a forest roughly the size of Indiana each year. It’s estimated less than half of those trees get replanted. Given the crucial role forests play in the fight against climate change, the loss is devastating.